"When I was a kid, I used to think, 'Man, if I could ever afford all the ice cream I want to eat, that's as rich as I ever want to be.'" (Jimmy Dean)
Today for Entry #28 I celebrate the American invention of the ice cream cone. How could there be a real summer without a few of these enjoyed?? When I was a kid (and still today), there was no better treat than an ice cream cone!!
It's commonly believed that they were invented at the St. Louis World Fair on July 23 1904 by a resourceful ice cream vendor, Charles E. Menche, who when he ran out of bowls to serve his customers, talked a nearby waffle vendor into making some rolled up versions of his pastry to serve ice cream in. Other bits of fun trivia:
Thomas Jefferson was the 1st president to serve ice cream in the White House.
The most popular flavors are still vanilla and chocolate. 55% of Americans choose one or the other as their top. Any guesses at #3? (I'll provide the answer later today

The world's largest ice cream cone was created on May 18 2023 in Englewood CO by Matthew Beem. It stood 11 feet high and consisted of 100 pounds of waffle, 300 pounds of chocolate and over 1,000 pounds of vanilla ice cream. Wowza. Americans always do things BIGLY!

Cheers to America and this summer treat!
"Be always sure you are right - then go ahead." (Davy Crockett)
"He helped us, and we don't even know his name. Who was that masked man?" "Don't you know? He's the Lone Ranger!"
Entry #29 of my True Things American to Be Proud Of (I wonder how many different ways I've titled this over the month!). For my next to last entry, I again called on memories from my youth. Today I celebrate the legendary heroes of American folklore. My goodness! I remember being enthralled as a young boy reading their stories in books from the library, and watching their exploits in the afternoons on our black and white TVs. Though most of them were ficitional, they were all real to this young lad...
So to Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan & Babe the Blue Ox, The Lone Ranger, John Henry, Pecos Bill, Sam Patch, and so many more...I say "Thank you!" for all you taught a young boy and how you entertained him. It's a shame that today's youth probably have no idea of who these figures were. Somebody should teach them. God Bless America.
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