Thursday, May 5, 2022

Gifts to Grandpa - Love, Elijah

“To a small child, the perfect granddad is unafraid of big dogs and fierce storms but absolutely terrified of the word ‘boo’.” (Robert Brault)

Ten years ago, I began a blog entry with this very same quote. The entry was titled "The Magic of a Touch", and in it I wrote about my invitation to attend - and my 1st lesson - in "Grandpa School". And over the years the lessons in "Grandpa School" have continued to go on. If you want to read that entry, here's a link to it:

The Magic of a Touch - August 14 2012

My stepson Dan got remarried last year to a beautiful woman, Krystal, and Deborah and I see them and their 4 children often. Deborah has always been the epitome' of an enthusiastic, loving "Grandma". She just loves the kids completely and gives herself completely to them, as often as she can. I, on the other, am a little more reserved - a little slower to "warm up" to this "Grandpa thing".  Not sure why. You'd think that someone born into a large family like me would crave being in a big family himself. But I never have. Always been kind of a loner. I also never met my own grandfathers - both having died when I was a baby. So maybe I never really knew what "Grandpa-ing" was all about. 

Nevertheless, I love my grandkids now. Pure and simple. That's what the grey clouds and gusty breezes outside have moved me to write about today. I want to introduce you to each of my grandchildren. It has been a fun journey discovering who they are - and learning a little about myself through them. I thought I could write a little about each one of them in this entry, but that was impossible. Too many memories (already!); too many pictures to share. So I'll just focus on one - and promise to write about each of the others in later entries. 

Meet Elijah Liam McMillen

Me and Elijah playing around - October 2020

It's truly been a joy getting to know Elijah. He's 6 years old now. Always been the "apple" of his Grandma's eye ( as you can see below)

Elijah and Deborah - October 2021

Elijah is "all boy". He loves trucks and cars and running fast - all the time. And he loves the color blue and "winning" at everything. He climbs stuff. He jumps off stuff. He can smack a golf ball with the form of a young Jack Nicklaus. But he is also a very thoughtful and sensitive little guy who loves to read and show me how he can do his letters and add things up and draw animals. And he loves music (just like his dad), as this picture below reveals.

Maestro Elijah and his violin - August 2019

I love Elijah's innocence and enthusiasm now. There's nothing he isn't interested in - and loves to learn about. Whenever we're together, he wants to show me something new he can do. There's always a new game to play that he's made up - a place we have to hike to. And always - someplace to run to. Even the golf course. The next picture perfectly sums him up (and is blurry because he's so fast! :-)

Me and Elijah - Dutcher Creek March 2021

One thing that I love most about Elijah is he is such a good big brother to his two sisters, Emma and Addy. He and Emma are real"buddies": peas in a pod, peanut butter and jelly, Laurel and Hardy, the Dynamic Duo - always together, always busy. Almost always having a good time together

Elijah and Emma monkeying around - Summer 2021

Elijah "4-wheeling" with Addy - April 2022

And Elijah looks after his little sister Addy too. Pretty cool to watch him with both of them. 

So what "Grandpa Lessons" have I learned from Elijah so far? Well, in his own little way - simply through his actions and his energy - he reminds me of so many valuable things. The virtues of wonder and enthusiasm. How refreshing it is to be around a being who is open to anything. The fact that I need to keep working out so I can keep up with him! Each time I'm around him I'm also reminded of something that has been easy for me to forget in the years since I left the classroom.

There are little ones (and big ones) around you that are always watching and learning from you. Silent eyes: looking for inspiration; looking for attention; looking for strength; looking for love; looking to be taught. It's important to be sensitive to those eyes. There is a heart longing to be nurtured. Lessons that I'm still called to teach - not through my words, but through my example. Imprints that can be made on a 6 year old that will only flower a dozen or more years later. I want to remember to be generous and thoughtful with the moments I'm given to do just this. 

“His heritage to his children wasn’t words or possessions, but an unspoken treasure, the treasure of his example as a man and father.” (Will Rogers Jr.)

I will never be a  biological father, though I've been graced to be seen as a "father figure" to some.  And I'm happy that I have the chance to be a Grandpa to a grandson like Elijah. He's definitely a real Pearl. 

Two guys hanging out - November 2021

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