Sunday, May 22, 2022

Our Summer Friends Are Arriving

"Flowers are the sweetest things that God ever made, and forgot to put souls into." ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Summer is coming. I know it. Though gray clouds are still hanging around a bit like lazy sea lions on a rock in the ocean, the signs that summer is near are starting to appear.

It is isn't the temperature either. That's still a bit iffy. Shorts and flip flops are still rare in their appearance. Our bedroom windows are still kept shut against the chilly night air when we go to sleep.

What is the harbinger of summer that I see this afternoon and celebrate?

It is the flowers. The earliest ones of summer are starting to appear. They come carrying their "suitcase pots". And the signs that their friendly cohorts - who are planning much longer stays- are on their way too are easy to see as well. I just have to lift my head and say "Howdy!"

Howdy. hardy little red petunia...sneaking in shyly. Glad you're here!

Your bigger brothers have parachuted in, next to the pansies that have been guarding our deck for a few weeks now. They're glad for the company as well!

A small platoon of marigolds has merrily marched in and set up camp in front of the deck!

The quartet of cosmos has been waiting for the rest of the party to show up. They're ready for a rest!

Waiting out back are the 1st scouts of the Shasta Daisy army that is still a month away...

And the peonies are just about to bust at the seams! They are about as excited as a kid at his first country fair or circus. "Let's Go!", they are whispering. "Time to get things popping around here!"

And the one wild rose bush in the backyard can't wait for his other more sophisticated siblings to show up in a month. He's showing off right now!

How extraordinary flowers are... People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us. ~Iris Murdoch

So welcome to all of our summer friends, new and old. Glad you're showing up. You are always welcome! Stay as long as you like. We'll do our best to take good care of you!

And a special thanks to my wife Deborah. She is the one who works the hardest at "inviting" these summer friends.  Thank you Sweetie for the beauty that you bring to our home. 

The smiles they give both of us are true summer gems. 

Earth laughs in flowers... ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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