Monday, February 5, 2018

Precious Pearls - Quotes That Have Inspired Me (#3)

"I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life." ~ Ronald Reagan

There are some things you read...or hear...or see for the first time, and the beauty and Truth expressed through them just stops you in your tracks. It's as if every fiber in your being just got strummed and you don't want that feeling to go away. It can happen when you see a soothing sunset;  or hear a beautiful song; or read something inspiring.

I have never forgotten the first time I read this quote from President Reagan. It was when Deborah and I first visited the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA twelve years ago. Mr. Reagan has always been a hero of Deborah's, and over time my admiration for him has steadily grown. The quotation is etched on his gravesite on the grounds there.

I pray that I can remember each day the three things the President said with such conviction and optimism here. But I know that it's so easy to be convinced that none of these are true, especially in the divisive times that we currently live. There is a constant drumbeat - especially in the media today - that wants us to believe that
  • Only 1/2 of mankind is "good" - The 1/2 that agree with me.
  • Darkness is destined to carry the day
  • And that few of us will ever have the chance to make a difference
But none of those are true. Life always gives us the choice: to rise or fall; To decide what it is that we really love and will give ourselves to freely. Darkness can never overcome Light.

So  I will do my best today to remember the President's words and look for a little Light in any moment when a little darkness wants to tell me, "There's nothing good here".

What a precious thing to be reminded of....Thank you, Mr. President. Inspiring words like these are few and far between from today's leaders. I guess it's up to others to share something brighter. 

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